Saturday 5 November 2011

A few (small) changes

I have made a few small changes to the main website. Formerly called 'Solent Ships' it is now called 'Ship Photo' and has a new domain name I wanted to get but that was already taken (nice-looking site, although it doesn't appear to have been updated for a bit). I can't believe that ship-photo was still up for grabs, bearing in mind the amount of nautical websites out there.
I have also got the domain name, having realised that is pretty similar to some other domains out there (shipfoto and shipphotos), even if mine has a hypen in it. Both will work just fine, use whichever one suits.
For now, the url will also work but I might eventually get full hosting when I have some spare cash.

You might notice the blog title has changed to Ship-Photo, to match the website. I thought I'd also do away with the boring dark colours in favour of easier-to-read (less hard on the eyes) black text on a light blue-white background, especially as it's November and the weather is dreary enough, without looking at a dark website! The main website will also get a makeover at some point.